Patent Office Research
722 Dulaney Valley Rd. #248,Towson MD 21204
(667) 200-0700
Step 4 - Market Your Idea
First, avoid invention marketing companies that charge you fees! A legitimate company PAYS YOU, you don't pay them. Our patent search report tells you how easy it is to market your idea.
VERY IMPORTANT: Remember, if you market your idea before obtaining "patent pending" status the Patent Office will reject your later filed application. Further, no major company will look at your idea unless it has "patent pending".
The Steps of the Patenting Process:
Step 1 - Protect Your New Idea
Do not disclose your idea to the public, or try to sell it. Prior disclosure could prevent you receiving a patent.
Step 2 - Patent Search
A patent search reveals what aspects of your new idea are patentable in light of what has already been patented worldwide. One of our attorneys or engineers will discuss your idea with the relevant U.S. Patent Examiner (there are thousands of Examiners) in order to find the best places to search in the prior patents. The Examiners are experts in directing the patent searcher to the correct field of search. You will receive copies of all U.S. and foreign patent located in the search.
Why not use a local patent attorney?
Almost all patent attorneys hire search firms like ours to do the searches in the Patent Office. Our fee is $400 (10 day turnaround) for the search and legal opinion. Most attorneys charge $1,200, or more, for the very same service and then hire a firm like ours to do the work. Check the fees of local patent attorneys!
Step 3 - File for Patent Protection
Individual inventors can now get "patent pending" status for only $65 (if your income is less than about $185,000). Once you have filed the Provisional Patent Application you can legally market / sell your idea.
"From Patent Search to Patent Pending in about 60 days"