What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design which identifies or distinguishes the source of the GOODS or SERVICES of one party from another. A mark appears on the product or its packaging. The owner of the federal trademark is entitled to use the mark nationwide. Trademarks can last indefinitely, and thus are very valuable.
What is the value of a Trademark?
A federal trademark owner can prevent anyone else from using the mark, or any very similar mark. This protection prevents "copycats". Note that a patent will expire after 20 years, but since a mark can last forever, it is extremely valuable. Here are some well known marks:
How can I protect my proposed trademark?
First, a search must be performed in the U.S. Trademark Office to see if your proposed mark is available. For a one time fee of $325 our search report to you will include the necessary forms to file if your mark is available. When ordering a trademark search, be sure and tell us what GOODS or SERVICES are to be associated with it.
Print the Trademark Search form below and EMAIL all materials to our offices.
Click on the below link to open Trademark Search Request Form. Print it and email to our offices.